Yes, I missed yesterday altogether - I will write two poems one day this weekend to make up though. My goal is 30 poems in 30 days and I will make that by month's end.
Today is Earth Day, first celebrated in 1970, and as I look around I think Man has created more destruction and poisoning of the planet that hold our lives in Her hands then moving back to connection with the natural world in the years since.
With that in mind, here is today's offering
An Ethical LifeSitting outside on this April day reading
The Sunon Earth Day, an interview with a man named Singer
on how to live an ethical life leads
And leaves me cold, thoughts chilled by the
potential effects of his utilitarian pragmatism
I agree we are stewards of the Earth and all the
denizens that dwell there on and therein and that
stewardship has many facets and phases
However, I do believe every being, every item
inert or alive, animal, mineral or vegetable
has a purpose and a reason for being
I also believe that plants and animals alike
were put here for our use,
our responsible use
Rules of such use are laid out in many
ancient texts, and if you look at the rules
you can see the reasoning behind them
despite the age of the information
We humans are one part of a much larger ecosystem
one we are destroying with our technological way of life
We create more poisons than we can mitigate
with our machinery and our diet of choice
Our planet is tipping out of balance due to our behavior
and soon She will make the decision to move back
into balance by force if necessary, if She still can
And as I close, I shake my head at my neighbor who
shows just how disconnected from the natural world
we have become just since the first Earth Day
was celebrated before he was born
He could not tell by the feel of the air around him
that rain was not threatening today, for all there
are clouds flowing overhead on their way
to the mountains
He probably flipped open his iPad to check
the weather app, since he is too disconnected from
Mother Earth rely on his own human instincts