I have written poetry every day this month though - thus far…
Here are my offerings for those first 12 days of April 2015:
Apr 15
Wanting rain not sun
Loving sun, needing water
How dry we are now
2 Apr 15
Wanting rain, not wind
Wind drying, water better
Drier we are now
3 Apr 15
Mother moon, new moon
Black moon, super moon, bleak days
Full moon, red moon, why?
Omens portend scary nights
What man breaks, nature makes right
4 Apr 15
Being female, I have
an internal inferno
that comes on at night
sleep disturbances are rife
Change of Life not so much fun
5 Apr 15
Rain? Naught but rumors of rain
Yet not a drop against my windowpane
Weathercaster's April Fool's joke
But wait, what's that sound?
The patter of drops on my windowpane!
Rumors of rain made real
6 Apr 15
Through the tear-stained pane
Flowers, yellow and purple
Comfort my sorrow
Knowing you're gone forever
Your garden is memory
7Apr 15
Thunder and lightning
Not so very frightening
Hail and funnel clouds
Furious rain against panes
Thank you, blest Mother Nature!
8 Apr 15
Snow on mountain peaks
Gold at the end of rainbow
Water's sweet relief
9 Apr 15
Writer's block have I
Poem, poem, where are you?
Made eight days - now nine!
Friday eve, full week
Fingers not yet bony
Rather, brain tired
Two for 12 Apr 15 (oops…)
Healthy, wealthy, wise
how have definitions changed
from Ben Franklin's time?
and here's poem #12 for the
values, principles
all boil down to our own
personal ethics
Always a pleasure, Beth.