Saturday, November 17, 2012

New Work

Wow, logged on to post these and found that this blog had just been viewed today - thank you!

I watched The Last Airbender last weekend, and the theme of water was rattling through my brain. Unfortunately, daily work life took over and chased it out, although it showed back up in life as rain and tears this week.

Today, as I was journaling, these two poems came through - not the theme of water, rather perhaps the larger theme of flow, which may be what was really meant to come this week.

letting go/becoming

focus on letting go - becoming has yet to be - becoming comes on the heels of being free and seems to be a two steps forward, three steps back process at times - keep aiming for the light at the end of the tunnel - focus on the esoteric what not the in-flesh who or the material thing

focus on letting go and then becoming comes - sometimes slowly and haltingly, like coaxing a feral animal into your life, sometimes with a burst of speed and light that takes your breath away - but it does come once letting go is gone

Life - Golden and Full

life is golden - truly it is - and being golden, it is precious and every drop should be savored, not slurped and hastily swallowed

pain adds the salt and joy the sweetness

a life lived fully becomes full bodied like a good red wine or a hearty ale or the smoky cheese that fills your mouth with its nutty flavor
