Sunday, April 15, 2012

MaXIMIze - Even More on Healing

Yes, I'm focusing a lot on healing right now - art imitates life, which can sometimes imitate art.

Like I said when I first started to follow this particular thread, healing takes time. It took time to get to where you are now and it will take time to get where you truly want to be. Healing is a process, an iterative one, which means you heal layer by layer. It also means sometimes you have to peel back many layers to find the original source of the wounding, the pain, the hurt in order to heal.

Additionally, you have to really want to do the work, to truly heal and move forward instead of staying in a continuous "do loop," in order for the process to work. And sometimes that work can be difficult and uncover things that we really never wanted to even think we had within us, let alone drag kicking and screaming into the cold (or hot) light of day. The revealing of some of these things, these issues, these deep and festering wounds, may leave us feeling like a lost naked thing in the open with no cover to protect us. However, just as new skin is sensitive at first and then toughens up, so too shall we learn to face that which has wounded us and left us bloody, maimed, disfigured and alone and take away its power to continue to bloody, maim, disfigure, or make us feel that we are alone anymore. And once we do that, once we take away its power by bringing it into the light and looking it square in the eyes, we will begin to heal and be whole once more.

Our emotional wounds may leave scars, however, our scars do not need to define who we are and what we can become. Honor your scars, for you have earned each and every one of them. Do not, however, ever allow them to define you as anything less than a perfect human being, worthy of everything you truly desire in this lifetime!

And with that, I will leave you with one of my newer theme songs:

Perfect by Pink

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