Sunday, April 15, 2012

Back to the Poetry

Okay, so this is what I've neglected posting on this particular blog:

This is from a prompt asking how do you set fire to the rain - a line from an Adele song:

setting fire to the rain
of tears falling
frees the paincauterizes the heartallows the healing
to start

This one came to me last night:

I feel anger rising
again as a shield
against the pain

Love has leached away
with the realization of loss,
of lies,
of dreams built on sand

Pain pulls down
Anger buoys up

Love would light the way
Lies took that light away

Darkness rules now

What defense is left?

And this one came today:

Black cat
ate white rat
who made gray elephant

Eclectic group, no?


Posted all this to the wrong blog! ;)

MaXIMIze - Even More on Healing

Yes, I'm focusing a lot on healing right now - art imitates life, which can sometimes imitate art.

Like I said when I first started to follow this particular thread, healing takes time. It took time to get to where you are now and it will take time to get where you truly want to be. Healing is a process, an iterative one, which means you heal layer by layer. It also means sometimes you have to peel back many layers to find the original source of the wounding, the pain, the hurt in order to heal.

Additionally, you have to really want to do the work, to truly heal and move forward instead of staying in a continuous "do loop," in order for the process to work. And sometimes that work can be difficult and uncover things that we really never wanted to even think we had within us, let alone drag kicking and screaming into the cold (or hot) light of day. The revealing of some of these things, these issues, these deep and festering wounds, may leave us feeling like a lost naked thing in the open with no cover to protect us. However, just as new skin is sensitive at first and then toughens up, so too shall we learn to face that which has wounded us and left us bloody, maimed, disfigured and alone and take away its power to continue to bloody, maim, disfigure, or make us feel that we are alone anymore. And once we do that, once we take away its power by bringing it into the light and looking it square in the eyes, we will begin to heal and be whole once more.

Our emotional wounds may leave scars, however, our scars do not need to define who we are and what we can become. Honor your scars, for you have earned each and every one of them. Do not, however, ever allow them to define you as anything less than a perfect human being, worthy of everything you truly desire in this lifetime!

And with that, I will leave you with one of my newer theme songs:

Perfect by Pink

Monday, April 9, 2012

2012 Poetry Challenge - If/Then

if life was perfect
then it might be boring

if life were boring
then we might rebel

if we rebel
then things might change

if things change
then they might not ever be the same again

if things are not the same again
then life might not be perfect

if life were not perfect
then it might not be boring

Sunday, April 8, 2012

2012 Poetry Challenge - Day 8 - Never Alone

As I sit here alone
I realize
I am never truly alone

All those whose lives
I've touched
or whose lives have
touched mine
are with me

Aloneness is not loneliness

Loneliness is being
cut off
from your fellow beings

Knowing I am part
of all who have
shared in my life
or shared their life
with me to this point

I know I am never
truly alone

Therefore, I am never
truly lonely

Saturday, April 7, 2012

2012 Poetry Challenge - Saturday Poem

pumping gas
fetching groceries
getting a hair cut
buying stamps
mailing taxes
cooking dinner
washing dishes
writing this poem

all done on a sunny Saturday in April

Friday, April 6, 2012

2012 Poetry Challenge - Twitter Poem

Twitter posts are limited to 140 characters - here is my poem within those parameters, complete with /s - and with four characters to spare!

writer's block not this is/ simply nothing to write/ driven to create, however/ personal challenge undertaken/ so daily poem yes this is

Thursday, April 5, 2012

2012 Poetry Challenge - Day 5 - Senyru

Senyru follows the same form as haiku - 3 lines, 5/7/5 syllable count - however, where haiku is season-themed, senyru can follow any theme. Here is my offering for today:

your heart signs joyous
while my heart burns searing pain
is not love just grand

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

2012 Poetry Challenge - Day 4 - Your Life

Your life is
your own of
course, but then

They want you
to drop your
life, pick up

Theirs and do
not see why
you say No!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

2012 Poem a Day Challenge - Day 3 - Enough

This came to me in the middle of the night last night:

say to myself
am enough
right here
right now

am the promise of the rainbow

Monday, April 2, 2012

2012 Poem a Day Challenge - Day 2

Here is what came to me for today's entry:

Sun's rays playing tricks on me
or perhaps wind is showing power
Coolness reigns instead of warmth
in this breezy sunlit hour

Sunday, April 1, 2012

1 Apr 12 - A New Month of Poetry

And here we are, back to April, which means we are back to National Poetry Month! This year, I have started a group on Facebook to share this challenge of writing at least 30 poems in 30 days there as well.

So let the writing begin! And to start the ball rolling, here is a poem I wrote this morning based on watching two birds huddling in a tree from the window of a conference room at the Sheraton downtown whilst at a writers' conference yesterday.

Two birds huddling
on a branch against the wind
one flies away, leaves
other alone, cold