Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day #3 - Spring Musings

As I wandered through the park
a couple walked their dog behind me
off leash of course
no one pays attention to the leash law here

The dog, a Weimaraner, wanted badly
to chase the golf disk (we call them Frisbees)
however was well behaved enough not to

As I wound down the path near the creek
I noticed the foxtails had gotten tall
and there were California poppies
crossing the path into the meadow
marching to the creek perhaps

There were other wildflowers too
blue ones and white ones and yellow ones
and purple ones - the kind that make me sneeze

There were ants on the trees and on the grinding rock
there were ladybugs along the path
there were bees dipping into the dandelions
there were song birds in the trees and the reeds

I wonder if the woman treading determinedly past me
with her iPod on
Could hear the trill of the redwinged blackbird
or the call of the magpies or the song of the crickets?

I wonder if the track team or the Little Leaguers
ever take the time to stop and smell and listen
and just be
just be one with Nature in all her glory?

I wonder if the little boy with the teddy bear
I passed on the way back home will be
allowed to just be
just be a kid playing along the creek
catching frogs and chasing dogs,
turning over logs looking for bugs
or snakes or such

It is nice to wander through the park
and just be

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