Monday, April 18, 2011

18 Apr 11 - The Budget Dilemma

The impetus for this was the news that the Stock Market (Dow Jones) dropped 140 points due to the possibility of the national debt ceiling not being raised.

The Budget Dilemma

Current year budget expend
next year's budget defend
year after next's budget develop

Current year budget
six months late
too much rhetoric and debate
last session's Congress made us wait

Next year's budget
likely again to be late
judging by the aggressive measures
fueling more rhetoric and debate

This session's Congress is one divided
tea-sipping elephants against asses with blinders on
both sides less right, more wrong

Will it end in our country's credit rating swan song?

When will reality sink in
to those who work in
the ivory tower known as
Capitol Hill?

On time you must pass the bills
bills that support the promise of
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
bills that provides for the general welfare
of our Nation's citizens
bills that fulfill the promises made to
the Greatest Generation and the generations
they've begot

Otherwise, we'll vote you out - the whole lot!

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