Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tankas for the Day

This morning I was pondering tanka - a 5-7-5-7-7 form similar to haiku (5-7-5, about seaons) or senyru (not about seasons, also 5-7-5). Those are syllable counts, by the way.

This is what came of this ponderance after the work day was over...

Based on getting a job interview for what looks to be a very interesting job:

Applying for job
opportunity beckons
getting interview
need to make the most of it
how to make the most of it?

Sitting outside in the sun writing, listening to the sounds of the neighborhood:

Scaling piano
notes drifting from neighbor's house
now playing a song
not one to sing along to
at least no discordant notes

Thinking about various things, past and present in life:

Wanting harmony
understanding, peace and love
having distance,
communication issues
relationships are worth it?

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